«PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD», a company based in Voula, Athens, Greece, 77 Vouliagmenis Avenue, P.C. 166 73, VAT 800350456, Tax Office of Glyfada, Number of Registration 117767401000 (herein «PANIK») has drawn up the Privacy Policy of Personal Data Protection, concerning the personal data that PANIK collects and the way PANIK makes use of them and protects them, and the relevant options and potentials that are given to those who are liable to processing.
PANIK is able to collect personal data from the below indicatively mentioned categories of individuals (transactors with PANIK):
- Clients
- Artists
- Suppliers of materials and services
- Employees and Executives
PANIK can collect personal data by (indicatively):
- Communication with PANIK,
- Purchase of service / product,
- Communication with the representative of PANIK via e-mail, phone or correspondence,
- Shipping or delivery curriculum vitae in case of recruitment or request for recruitment to the Staff Department,
- Cookies, IP Addresses.
During the visit at the website of PANIK, it is possible that several data that are not correlated with certain person (non person – related data) will be collected, that only help «PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD» to provide better services to the Clients. For instance, the “domains”, from which the visits come from, are recorded and the activities of the visitors of PANIK’s website are measured, in a way that the collected data remain non non-person related, that is the identity of the User cannot be recognized. This information is also called “clickstream” data and are used and analyzed only cumulatively, with the intention of understanding the trends and patterns. The above – mentioned information are not examined on individual users level. PANIK can use these data in order to analyze the trends and statistical data and therefore, to provide better services to the Clients. The collection of the above – mentioned data is accomplished via the use of “cookies”. This technology does not collect personal data. “Cookie” is a data set, which has the form of a small anonymous trace (“text file”), which can be sent by PANIK to the browser of the User’s computer, then it is saved there and via this trace the User’s computer can be recognized, but not the User himself. Cookies help in many ways in order to make the visit to PANIK’s website more pleasant and interesting for the User. If the User wants, he can completely deactivate the cookies in his browser. However, if he does so, several websites cannot function properly.
PANIK recognizes the importance of the security issue concerning the personal data, the online transactions and the relevant obligations that occur and takes all the necessary measures with the most contemporary and advanced methods, in order to ensure the utmost security. All the information that are relevant to the personal data are secure and confidential.
Security is accomplished – inter alia – with the methods below:
Every user of information systems of PANIK (employee) uses two δύο fields for his recognition: the “e-mail” or “username” and the secret “password”, which every time that are registered provide access with the utmost security at his account. The user is the only one that has access to the data via the above – mentioned secret password and he is exclusively responsible for the maintenance of its secrecy and the concealment from third parties. In case of its loss or leak, the user has to inform PANIK immediately. In any other case, PANIK is not responsible for its use from unauthorized persons. PANIK recommends, for security reasons, that the user change his password του on a regular basis and avoid the use of easily traceable passwords (for example date of birth or phone number). Moreover, it is suggested that symbols are used, other than letters and numbers (for example $^*#@!_) at the time of password’s creation.
Controlled Access
The access at PANIK’s systems (servers) is controlled by firewall, which allows the use of specific services by the users, prohibiting at the same time, the access at the systems and data bases with confidential data and information of PANIK. Likewise, the access to “physical” files is permitted only by authorized persons.
At first, the information system of PANIK deciphers the information that collects before entering into their processing. PANIK’s systems send information following the same procedure of encryption. In every point of the information system personal data of natural persons (password, email, addresses, phone numbers, bank accounts) there is encryption SSL 128-bit. Encryption is a way of encoding the information, so that this information will end up secure at its defined receiver, who will be able to decode by using the appropriate key. During the demand, the whole communication is carried out between your computer and the information systems of PANIK.
Confidential Financial Transaction
The maintenance of the necessary degree of confidence is obvious. The basic principles that rule the typical transactions are applied and all the information that are transmitted by the user are confidential and PANIK has taken all the necessary measures in order to remain secure and be used only to the necessary amount for the service of the contract and the provision of services. The user, in order to maintain the security of his data, has to abstain from revealing them and the access data, to third parties.
Personal data are not used for purposes other than the ones mentioned in this policy, unless a relevant consent is given, or unless it is required or allowed by law. The main purpose of processing is the execution of the contract or the execution of a service or the purchase of a product or the employment relationship. PANIK collects only the personal data that are necessary in order to provide her services. The accomplishment of services on behalf of PANIK requires the processing of partner’s personal data in the framework of execution of the contract between PANIK and the partner. In particular, as far as the employees are concerned, PANIK keeps a file that has to do with PANIK’s employees and partners. In this file, employee’s data are registered according to the relevant form of recruitment’s announcement of responsible Insurance Body and
any data may be requested in the future by law that are responsible for the implementation of PANIK’s obligations. The purpose of keeping this file is the calculation and the payment of the salary and the diligence of PANIK’s corporate obligations in general, the withholding and tax attribution, the payment of insurance benefits (where it is stipulated) and generally the fulfilment of PANIK’s tax and insurance obligations. Possible receivers of personal data for which PANIK keeps file are related companies in the Group, cooperating companies, Insurance Bodies, public and private, the services of the Ministry of Labor and the tax offices in charge, PANIK’s Payroll Department –either internal or external -, PANIK’s Staff Department, accountants and auditors, and any other administrative, judicial or other authority or legal or natural person in general to whom PANIK may be obliged to reveal such data according to the legislation or judicial decision. Moreover, possible receivers of corporate communication data of the employee – and exclusively these data, that is name, surname, position, corporate phone number, corporate natural address and e-mail address – are the existing, future and possible clients and associates of PANIK. PANIK has taken measures of protection concerning the maintenance and access authorized associates only to the above – mentioned data.
PANIK’s data will be kept in her file for all the period of cooperation with the Artist / User / Client / Associate, and in case of termination of cooperation for all the period that according to the Law PANIK is obliged to keep files – only for the minimum possible period – for the fulfilment of tax, insurance or other legal obligations. In particular, as far as the Client is concerned, every data that is outside the scope, after the receipt of the request and the period of exercising the withdrawal right, will be deleted. PANIK does not process credit cards data.
It is possible that PANIK will notify personal data to services suppliers, corporate associates and third parties, according to the existing legislation. For example, PANIK is possible to delegate the processing of personal data according to the above mentioned to a specialized company. PANIK will notify personal data only for implementation to this Policy and/or when is needed by the existing legislation and/or the execution of the contract. The deals with the corporate associates will restrict the purposes for which they can notify and process personal data according to as provided for in this Policy and will require adequate protection of personal data.
PANIK may store personal data to a cloud. This means that the processing of personal data can be done by a service supply agency at this cloud on behalf of PANIK and personal data may be stored in different places around the world. PANIK uses organizational and contractual measures for the protection of personal data and the enforcement similar, but in any case less restrictive, requirements to the service suppliers of the cloud, including requirements concerning the exclusive processing of personal data for the above mentioned purposes.
During the visit at PANIK’s website, it is possible that the User will meet links that lead to other internet places, for practical and informative reasons. These internet places may be operated independently of PANIK and have their own notes, declarations and privacy policies. PANIK is not responsible neither for the content of these places that are owned by another company or that their administration is done by another company, nor for the use or the τις practices private privacy of these places.
Every Artist / User / Client / Associate, as data subject, has the right to know if personal data that has to do with him are or have been processed. Consequently, he has the right to raise objections for the processing of his data. For exercising the rights of access, objection, correction, deletion and any other right by law concerning the processing of data may address to PANIK (77 Vouliagmenis Avenue, P.C. 166 73, Voula, Athens, Greece, +30 210 8943935, [email protected] with title «Personal Data»). PANIK is obliged to answer in writing within one month from the receipt of the relevant request – or if the request is complicated within two months. The Artist / User / Client / Associate has the right of complaint to the Independent Authority of Personal Data Protection (1-3 Kifisias str., P.C. 115 23, Athens, +30 210 6475600, [email protected]).
Terms of Use of the website “PANIK TV” and the application “PANIK TV” of the limited company “PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD”
1.Preamble The present terms (hereinafter “Terms of Use”) govern the operation of the website and the application «PANIK TV», the use by their visitors or their users, as well as the performance of distant product purchasing via the E-Shop (hereinafter “E-Shop”) by the customers of the legal entity «PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD», based in Voula Attica, 77 Vouliagmenis Avenue, P.C. 166 73, με T.I.N. 800350456, Tax Authority of Glyfada, with email address [email protected] and contact number +30 210 8943935, (hereinafter “PANIK”) under the current ownership and management.
2. Use of the Services 2.1. Definitions: “Website” refers to the website “PANIK TV”. “Application” refers to the application “PANIK TV”. “Services” refer to the Website and the Application jointly. “Visitor” refers to anyone who visits the Website or/and the Application without registration. “User” refers to anyone who uses and registers to the Website or/and the Application. “Customer” refers to any User who buy products of the Services. “Content” refers to all the data that exist at the Services, indicatively every recording, video, video clip, show, program, playlist, podcast, picture, photograph, board, chart, information, report, analysis, text, product and every other element that is included in the Services. 2.2.Α. PANIK created these Services in order to provide to the public many options concerning the artistic and musical services, that is its main occupation. Every User has access to musical services (such as streaming and on demand services of PANIK’s recordings), releases by PANIK’s artists, tv programs and shows via Internet with artistic news and other artistic agenda, radio programs and shows via Internet and podcasts, information and cv for PANIK’s artists e.t.c. Also, the User is able to create via the Services his own playlists with PANIK’s recordings. 2.2.Β. The Services provide the ability to User to book or buy tickets for artistic musical events that are related to PANIK’s artists. Also, the Services allow to User exercise e-commerce, and mostly videos, disks, cassettes, videotapes, magnetic strips, compact discs, and every sound carrier or image carrier or sound and image carrier that exists or will be invented in the future, books and all types of publication, slides, photographs, posters, and all sorts of souvenirs, musical or other artistic projects, plays, appearances, actings, interpretations and creations, music and image devices, cinema devices and tools, artistic, visual and all sorts of musical instruments and relevant materials, tools, and devices. Moreover, PANIK trades all sorts of products or services, that have the name, the image, the signature, the trademark or every distinguishing feature of artists or artistic shapes and groups, for example, blouses, hats, underwear, bags, cups and teacups, stickers, photographs, posters, games, dolls, souvenirs or collectible goods, school supplies, bath products, home products e.t.c. 2.3. Anyone can visit or install the Services in electronic device (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, personal computer etc). Anyone’s registration to the Services can be done either via his personal account που at social media (Facebook/Instagram), or by entering his email. 2.4. From the simple Visitor’s visit to the Services or User’s registration to them it is presumed that Visitor and User have read, understood and fully and unconditionally accepted the Terms of Use herein and are bound by them in its entity. In case someone disagrees with one or more terms, he should abstain from any use of the Services. 2.5. The permission to the Visitor/User to use the Services is strictly personal and revocable and is governed by the Terms of Use herein. Personal use is only allowed and in no case is someone able to exploit the Services in any manner (electronic, mechanical or other) and for any reason except from personal use. 2.6. PANIK, its owners, its administrators as well its staff and any externals shall not be held liable for any prejudice incurred by the Visitor, User or Customer or third person from illegal use or misuse of the Website by another Visitor, User or Client in breach of the present Terms of Use or the current legislation.
3. Use of E-Shop
The E-shop has been created by PANIK for the purpose of promoting its commercial activity through the promotion of the products (from now on “Products”) via Internet, the order and purchase of Products remotely by the Customers, and the bidirectional communication of «PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD» with the Customers and the Users about issues that are relevant with its activity and the Products and the relevant information. 3.Α.1. Registration of the Customer as member of E-Shop a) The Customer may not purchase Products through the E-shop without having subscribed as a member of the Website or the Application before. If he/she wishes to use the E-Shop, he/she can subscribe once as a member through the Products’ purchasing process. The Customer should obligatorily fill in his/her full name, his/her delivery address, his/her email and his/her telephone number. b) All the above personal data of the Customer are subject to the data protection policy of PANIK and the Terms of Use herein. c) The Customer undertakes the obligation to inform the E-Shop of any change in his/her personal information. d) PANIK will never request from a Customer to disclose via its Website or its Application or be sending via email, during the subscription procedure as member or afterwards, information concerning his/her credit cards, bank accounts or any other bank detail in general, except in the event of withdrawal from the purchase of a Product as provided in article 3.A.5. below. 3.Α.2. Order and Purchase of Products a) The Customer, providing that he/she has the capacity to perform legal acts according to Greek law, and desires to purchase a Product from the E-Shop, can select the Product and add it in his/her chart. The description of each Product, the color and the size are indicated next to the Product, as well as the price including VAT. After the Customer has selected all the Products he/she wishes to purchase, he will be informed of the total price of the Products, any additional delivery costs as well as of the cost in case the Customer has selected cash-on-delivery payment. If the Customer selects Paypal as means of payment of the Products, the cash-on-delivery cost will be deducted from the total cost. b) In case the Product selected by the Customer has run out of stock or is no longer available, the EShop will relatively inform the Customer through an automatic message before the completion of the purchase. c) The order of the Product and the conclusion of the purchase takes place when the Customer receives an email from PANIK stating all the details of the order, as indicated by the Customer in the E-Shop. In case the Customer wants to change data of his order is obliged to contact PANIK as soon as possible by sending an email at [email protected] . d) PANIK reserves the right to change the Products’ prices without prior notice of the Customers. In any case, the price referred next to the Product, at the time the Customer places the order of the Product, shall be the valid price of purchase. 3.Α.3. Payment of Products a) The Customer, who selects as place of delivery of the Products any place within the Greek territory, can choose to pay the Products either through Paypal or through cash-on-delivery payment. Specifically, when the Customer has selected all the Products he/she wishes to purchase, can then select the option “Order placed” and submit the requested information if he is not already a member and i) Cash-on-delivery payment: The E-Shop has as selected default payment the cash-ondelivery payment. Thus, the Customer who wishes to pay in this manner, shall select “Order Delivery” and pay the price of the Products, the cash-on-delivery cost and the delivery cost on the receipt of the Products at the place of delivery, as determined in the order. The payment will be duly performed to the PANIK representative in charge to deliver the Products. ii) Payment performed through Paypal’s online platform either by debiting the Customer’s bank account or his/her credit or debit card: The Customer wishing to pay in this manner shall select the via Paypal option and he/she will then be diverted to the safe environment of Paypal, where he/she will fill in all the necessary information required according to Paypal’s procedure. The total price of the Products, together with the cost of delivery shall automatically appear as a total sum in Paypal’s website via the E-Shop. Further to the confirmation of the transaction from Paypal and the execution of the payment, the Customer shall automatically return to the E-Shop’s environment. b) The Customer, who selects as place of dispatch any place outside the Greek territory, has no other option but to pay the Products through Paypal as provided above.
3.Α.4. Order Delivery and Delivery Costs a) For the purpose of delivering the Products, PANIK cooperates with the courier company «F.I.S COURIER SERVICES», having its registered seat at Kosti Palama 9, P.C. 14122, contact number 2102834111. b) PANIK shall make any effort to deliver the Products the earliest possible in accordance with the number of days that the courier company requires for the delivery of products within the Greek territory and abroad, and in any event, within ten (10) working days from the placement of the order the latest. c) The cash-on-delivery cost is €1,50 per order. d) The cost of delivery of the Product sis calculated in accordance with the place of delivery and the weight of the order. e) The exact calculation of the order at inaccessible places in Greece and for the countries abroad is being done before the termination of the order by typing the P.C. of the delivery place by the Customer. 3.Α.5. Withdrawal a) The Customer is entitled to withdraw from the purchase of the Product within fourteen (14) days from the day of its receipt without prejudice and without giving any reason. The Customer shall be charged with the cost to return the Product. b) The withdrawal from the purchase of the Product is valid only if it is returned in the same condition as received by the Customer. c) In order to exercise the right of withdrawal the Customer should inform PANIK of his decision to withdraw from the purchase of the Product by sending a clear statement either via post at PANIK’s address indicated above, at the beginning of the present Terms of Use, or via email on [email protected] . The Customer can print the special form available at the end of the Terms of Use herein (Appendix A), fill it in and send it to PANIK together with the Product as well as with the invoice of purchase. d) Provided that the right of withdrawal is exercised within the above deadline, PANIK shall accept the withdrawal by sending a relative notice to the Customer. 3.Α.6. Reimbursement a) In case of withdrawal, the reimbursement of the Customer will be carried out in accordance with method selected as means of payment of the Product, namely in case of cash-on-delivery payment via bank transfer and in case of Paypal via Paypal’s environment. In any event, the reimbursement shall take place within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day on which PANIK was informed of the Customer’s decision to withdraw from the purchase contract of the Product and after the Customer sends back to PANIK the Product. b) If the Customer has selected the cash-on-delivery-payment, in the withdrawal form he/she should indicate the bank account in which he/she wishes the reimbursement to be deposited, the name of the bank in which the account is maintained and the IBAN. 3.A.7. Customer Update a) The Customer has the opportunity to receive updates from the E-Shop regarding the state of his purchase by communicating with PANIK for any issue either via telephone on +30 2108943935 or via email in the following electronic address [email protected] . This email address is protected by spam automations. You should activate JavaScript in order to see it. b) PANIK shall communicate with the Customer via his/her declared email address or via his/her telephone number. The Customer is obliged to inform the E-Shop of any alteration regarding his/her registered email address or telephone. 3.Β. PANIK’s Liability 3.Β.1. PANIK is not liable for any delay or non-performance of the purchase contract due to force majeure owing to, indicatively, means of transport strike e.t.c. In such a case «PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD» shall be entitled to request extension in order to discharge its obligations deriving from the purchase contract. 3.Β.2. PANIK is liable for the delivery of the Product with the agreed characteristics and without real defect, however, cannot be held liable for the selection of the Products for which the Customer remains the sole and exclusive liable. 3.Β.3. PANIK has taken all the necessary precautions, as dictated by common practice, in order to ensure the highest level of security and protection solely and exclusively of its Website, E-Shop and its own systems. PANIK further undertakes the obligation to keep its security systems upgraded and use
antivirus programs. In any case, PANIK does not guarantee to any third party that there are no viruses and is not liable for any damage of hardware, software, files etc. or any other loss that the User or Customer may suffer due to viruses. 3.Β.4. As for the security of transactions through Paypal, PANIK shall not be liable since all transactions are performed through Paypal’s safe environment, where the customer enters his/her card’s or bank account’s details. 3.C. User’s and Customer’s Liability 3.C.1. The User and Customer are using the Website on their own responsibility, according to the current Terms of Use and any relevant guidelines that are given by PANIK ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LTD and communicated through the Website, exclusively for the purposes mentioned in the Terms of Use herein. Any other use of the Website is prohibited. The User and Customer undertake the obligation to abstain from using the Website for the purpose of: a) Collecting, processing or saving Customer’s of the E-Shop personal data. b) Sending via email, making public or in general delivering by any means illegal material which violate third party rights. 3.C.2. In case the Customer pays the Products via Paypal, is requested to use solely and exclusively cards issued or a bank account opened in his/her name. If this is not the case, PANIK bears no responsibility. 3.C.3. The User and Customer are liable for any damage sustained by PANIK, due to their acts or omissions, as well as any unlawful, anti-contractual and/or improper action performed by them while using the Services. 3.C.4. The User and Customer hereby undertake the obligation to ensure that his/her computer is equipped with the latest versions of programs, systems, anti-virus programs and relevant systems for the protection of data and hardware (antivirus programs, antispyware, firewalls etc.). 3.D. Consumer Rights The present Terms of Use does not affect any rights of the Customer emanating from the current legislation for consumers’ protection. Moreover, the platform Online Dispute Resolution – ODR of European Commission allows to customers and traders to resolve electronically theirs disputes arising from either local or transfrontier transactions. ODR is connected directly to the Entity Disputes’ Alternative Resolution in charge in each country, that undertakes the processing of complaints. Each entity applies its own rules and proceedings. These are usually more simple, fast and less expensive than the appeal to the court. Nevertheless, the option of the entity has to be agreed by both parties. In Greece, the entities in charge are Α) the Independent Authority “Consumer’s Legal Counsel” (, Β) the Mediator Banking – Investment Services ( and C) the Alternative Disputes’ Resolution Center ( ODR is governed by the Directive 2013/11/ΕΚ, with which is aligned in Greek legislation (με την ΚΥΑ 70330/2015) και covers the option of electronic extrajudicial resolution consumer disputes with the procedure Alternative Dispute Resolution in European Union for the consumer, who is able to appeal, if he wishes to do so. 3.Ε. Especially for the booking/purchase of tickets for live events: Besides the terms of use for the E-Shop as above mentioned and especially for the booking/purchase of tickets for live events, the terms below are valid: 3.Ε.1. The procedure of payment can be done only via Paypal. 3.E.2. In case of postponement of the event due to force majeure which renders the conduct of the event impracticable or due to organizational reasons, PANIK or the current organizer are entitled to change the date, the time and the venue/place of the event, and inform the public. In this case, the tickets are valid and cannot be redeemed. Also, they reserve the right to change the program of the event. 3.Ε.3. In case of definite cancellation of the event, the tickets will be redeemed during a specific time period, and the public will be informed accordingly. The spectator accepts that PANIK or the current organizer are not obliged to compensate him for any other cost caused by the cancellation of the event, except from the amount of his ticket. 3.Ε.4. In case of cessation and cancellation of the event due to force majeure, at least thirty (30) minutes after the beginning of the event, it is considered completed and will not be repeated. In that case, the tickets won’t be redeemed.
3.Ε.5. In case that with the same ticket the entrance/attendance of more than one events and happenings is provided, and the appearance of a group or an artist is cancelled, the spectator accepts that he will receive the proportional part of his ticket and the organizer is not bound by estimations concerning the artistic value of the group or artist, that its appearance is cancelled. 3.Ε.6. Places/parts of the event are possible to be filmed. Members of the public that appear to these parts are not entitled to and waive any claims and requests from PANIK, the company that executes the filming or the current organizer.
4. Personal Data Protection 4.1. All the personal data of the Visitor, User or the Customer sent to PANIK via email or registered by them with their subscription at the Services or when purchasing products or when participating in contests are treated as and remain confidential, with the exception of the data that they make known to the public on their own (for example, their social media accounts etc). The Confidentiality Policy (see also Data Privacy Policy) explains the way that PANIK, collects, uses, edits, stores, administrates and protects the personal data of Visitors/Users/Customers, that are collected during the visit and use of the Services, in order to be aligned with the standards of PANIK’s data protection according to the applicable legislation. PANIK follows and applies all the necessary policies and appropriate technical measures in order to ensure the appropriate protection of personal data of the users according to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. 4.2. During the visit of the Visitor at the Services, his IP computer address is automatically collected for safety reasons and for the collection of statistical data for the Visitor’s convenience. For simple visit at the Services, PANIK will not collect any other personal data. In case of registration/subscription at the Services, User’s personal data that are collected are the following: a) User’s Name or Nickname Χρήστη from his social media account (Facebook/Instagram) or his email address b) Address IP c) Data connection. All the above mentioned User’s personal data are ruled by PANIK’s Data Protection Policy. The above mentioned data and the information that are collected, are processed through the appropriate technology only these reasons: a) for the processing of User’s requests and the use of Services, b) for the recognition of each User of the Services, c) for sending Newsletter to the User who will be registered with his email, d) for the option of commenting and declaring (Like / Dislike) to published Content, e) for the option of participating in contests that are held via the Services (term 4.5.) και f) for the ability of personalizing the services provided to the User. 4.3. PANIK informs the Customer that both PANIK as well as third parties, further to its mandate and for its behalf, shall process personal data received via email or registered as follows: a) Type of data: i. As regards submitted emails: The data submitted by the Customer when sending his/her email and ii. As regards personal data when ordering a Product: The personal data submitted as well as those that might arise at the time of purchase. b) Purpose of personal data processing: i. Customer’s facilitation while navigating through the website and using the E-Shop ii. order, purchase, delivery, Products’ replacement and reimbursement iii. Purchase withdrawal iv. Defending PANIK’s interests and fulfillment of its legal obligations and v. PANIK’s public display. c) Personal data recipients: As regards the personal data that are necessary for the implementation of each and every of the above processing purposes and within the framework of competence of each of the recipients: PANIK and the courier company. In case of other personal data recipients, subjects will be informed, according to the legislation. 4.4. During the visit at the Services, it’s possible that several data that cannot be related with a specific person (non-personal related) will be collected, that help PANIK only in providing better services to its Visitors/Users/Clients. For example, «domains» from the visits are written down and measurement of visitors’ activities to PANIK’s websites, but in a way that the collected data remain non-personal related, that means incapable to identify the identity of the Visitor. These information are also called «clickstream» data and are used and analyzed only cumulatively, with the purpose of understanding frameworks and patterns. The above-mentioned information are not analyzed individually as per user. PANIK can use these data in order to analyze the trends and statistical data and, thus, to provide better services to its Visitors/Users/Customers. The collection of the above mentioned information is being done via «cookies». This technology does not collect personal information. The cookie is a set of data which is like a small anonymous trace («text file») that can be sent by PANIK to the Visitor’s/User’s computer browser or other electronic device, then it is saved
there and through that the Visitor’s/User’s computer/electronic device can be recognized, but not the Visitor/User himself. Cookies help in many ways so as the visit to the Services become more entertaining και interesting for the Visitor/User. The Visitor/User is able to deactivate the cookies at his browser if he wishes to. Nevertheless, if this happens, some websites may not function properly. 4.5. In case of contest conduct via the Services and several Users’ personal data are requested (indicatively name/surname, email, telephone number κ.λπ.), PANIK will process these data only for the purposes of fulfilling and conducting the contest and according to the applicable legislation. 4.6. Right of Access and Denial: Every User or Customer, as personal data subject, has the right to know whether the personal data concerning him/her are subject to or have been subject to processing. The User or the Customer has the right to raise objections against the processing of his/her personal data. In case of exercising your rights of access, refusal, correction, deletion and every right according to law, regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact PANIK (email: [email protected] , tel. 2108943935). PANIK ENTERTAINMENT has to provide a reply in writing within the time limit of one month from the date of the relevant request, and, in case the request is complex, within the time limit of two months. 4.7. The duration of keeping personal data depends on the legitimizing basis of the processing. User’s personal data that are given by him by consensus during the registration at the Services, will be kept till the point that the User will choose to sign off from the Services. In case of orders, PANIK does not process credit cards data. The data that are processed by PANIK exclusively related to tax/accounting data of the Users or the Customers, and are kept for the period according to the relevant legislation. In any case, the criterion which determines the period of storage is based on the compliance to the deadlines that are allowed by law and the principals of data minimisation, storage restriction or the rational administration of PANIK’s files. 4.8. This policy does not apply to information that are collected via any other website or for companies’ practices that are not controlled by PANIK. The Services may include connections, which refer to via “links”, hyperlinks or commercial banners to other websites. In case of connection to another website, this personal data protection policy herein will not apply for any information that is collected at this website. PANIK is not responsible for other websites’ practices of personal data protection and the Visitor/User has to read the personal data protection policy of each website that he visits.
5. Modifications – Interrupting of Operation 5.1. PANIK is entitled to modify the Terms of Use, according to the applicable legislation, and upload the modified text at the Services. The use of the Services by the User after the modification of the Terms of Use implies the acceptance of the modification. 5.2. PANIK is entitled to modify the Services’ Content, to add or deduct content, procedures, information and data and to interrupt temporarily or permanently their operation, when it is considered necessary or reasonable. 5.3. The User is informed via Services for any modification and temporary or permanent interrupting of their interrupting.
6. User’s and Customer’s Costs Access and navigation of the User and Customer in the Services, use of their Content and the placement of orders for the purchase of Products through it is free of charge. The User and the Customer bears all costs for the internet connection. In case that a specific procedure or activity demands User’s charge, this will be declared explicitly and the exact amount of charge will be written for this specific activity.
7. Possession of the Services and the Content– Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights 7.1. The Content of the Services and the Services themselves (Website and Application) including all the distinctive titles, logos, pictures, graphics, photographs, designs of products, products, brands, texts, recordings, videos, podcasts, shows etc. belong to PANIK, and has the full and exclusive ownership on them and is protected by the applicable provisions of National, European and International Law. Their appearance at the Services does not constitutes and should not be considered as transfer or grant of license or right of use. The Visitor/User/Customer of the Services is
entitled only to personal use, without obtaining any right and/or without obtaining the ability to release them or place them on market in any way, with or without payment, in total or partially. 7.2. Any use of the Services or the Content or the Products by Visitor/User/Customer, except from the appropriate one as described in the Terms of Use herein, is explicitly forbidden, indicatively but not restrictively: a) Broadcasting, publication, adaptation, placing on market, communication to the public, deletion, printing, copy and download of the Content and the Products. b) Copy, rerelease, reproduction, recording, transmission, execution or broadcasting, exposure to the public any part of the Services or the Content or the Products or any other use of the Services or the Content that is not explicitly allowed in the Terms of Use herein or the applicable legislation or that infringes in any way the intellectual property (such as intellectual property rights) of the Services or the Content or any part of them or the Products. c) Reproduction of the Services, part of them or any Content of them or Products for commercial reasons d) Bypass of any technology that is used by PANIK, its licensors or third party for the protection of the Content or the Services or their Products. e) Sale, rental, subletting or leasing any part of the Services, or their Content or their Products. 7.3. Imitation or misrepresentation of the Services or their Content or the Products, in any way whatsoever, partially or otherwise, in any form and by any means is prohibited. Especially, it is forbidden to the Visitor/User/Customer: a) Export or reuse of the whole or substantial part of the Content or the Services’ database. The data User is prohibited from performing actions that are contrary to the regular operation of the said database or unreasonably infringing legal rights of the beneficiary’s database by provoking damage to the beneficiaries of the intellectual property rights or other related rights regarding the works contained in the database. b) Performing any action whatsoever, with the view to reverse engineering or reconstructing the source software of the Website or gaining unauthorised access in any software, system, individual computer or network of computers and/or PANIK’s archive or hacking its Services and in general its systems by any means, such as indicatively by using mechanical means or automated procedures. c) Defeat of any technical firewalls for the purpose of preventing actions prohibited by PANIK, which (the defeat) is performed by the Visitor/User/Customer knowingly or when there are good reasons for considering that the Visitor/User/Customer acknowledges the effects of his/her actions. d) Misrepresentation or imitation of the trademark, trade name and other distinctive features of PANIK or of third parties that are published on the Services, as well as of the Content that is published (indicatively recordings, videos, radio and tv programs and their logos, podcasts etc.) and PANIK’s Products. The appearance of a distinctive feature in the Services cannot be implied as transfer, license allocation or right assignment of the distinctive feature to the Visitor/User/Customer. e) Removal or modification of the Terms of Use or of any other Content or Products or text available online, published at the Services and especially when it is related to the protection, the use or the beneficiary of intellectual and industrial property rights either when the User/Customer presents in public part of or the entire Services or not. f) Removal or distortion of any notification of the intellectual property rights, commercial logo or other notifications that are included in the Content or the Services or are provided via the Services (among other, for the purpose of concealing or modification any sign of ownership or origin of any Content or Products) that bypass or exclude advertisements at the Services or create or allocate tools that have been designed for the elimination of the advertisements in the Services. 7.4. In case of an infringement or threat of infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights or other related rights, including the specific nature rights of the database constructor of PANIK and of third parties, the aforementioned subjects can, where applicable, claim the application of civil, administrative and penal penalties against the person who had infringed or is about to infringe the said rights in accordance with the law. PANIK, at its discretion, is able to inspect every infringement, real or threatened, of the Terms of Use herein, by Visitor/User/Customer and terminate the subscription of the User at the Services, depriving his right to have access to the Content. The Visitor/User/Customer accepts that in case of infringement, as described above, PANIK has the right to deliver to competent authorities any personal data or element in order to establish the infringement and the right to take steps to legal procedures.
7.5. The User/Customer or third party that moves to any act or omission that goes against the appropriate use of the Services, should compensate PANIK from and against all the damages, losses and costs of any kind (including the reasonable legal fees and costs) that arise from or relate to: (1) the violation on their behalf or infringement of the Terms of Use herein or the applicable legislation (2) the infringement on their behalf of any law or third party rights.
8. Annotation of the Content It is possible, in some cases, that the User will have the option to send his comments concerning the Content of the Services. These comments should not contain abusive or/and racist or/and immoral characterization or stimulate violence. PANIK has the right at her own discretion to control and delete comments before and after their upload, to not allow the upload or delete the Users’ comments without further justification, if these comments do not comply with the Terms of Use herein and the applicable legislation. It cannot be considered in any way that PANIK accepts or endorses the personal ideas or perceptions of the Users that are expressed at the Services.
9. Links 9.1. PANIK may upload at the Services links that lead to third party websites and mostly platforms such as YouTube or Spotify and social media. The Visitor/User should take into consideration the terms of use of these specific websites, as they are published at the relevant websites. 9.2. The reference at the Services with the use of links uploaded to third party websites is forbidden without PANIK’s prior approval in writing.
10. Jurisdiction – Competence The present Terms of Use are governed by Greek law. Any dispute arising shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens. If the Visitor/User/Customer is accessing the Website from another country, they are obliged to comply with the legislation of that country.